Starcave & The Galactic skins । রনি আহম্মেদ
প্রকাশিত হয়েছে : 14 June 2018, 12:22 am, | ১৯০৬ বার পঠিত

satyajit works are something one cant describe in familiar meaning and surface…and it is a new language in Bangladeshi art scene… which demands serious observation… because his journey is passionate… it has layers of unconscious and otherworldly elements… sometime meta physical… truly psychedelic… through meditative deep space experience… it is metamorphic… and a vision from a radiative imagination …
sometime dark..sometime romantic… sometime politically flavoured.his visions are fluid… liquid..fiery… luminous… its like a skin of of a organic specious hides in any from any form any where… and reveals something of a parallel time space orgasmic formation.his figures are not definitively “matter”… they are direct energy…
a boiling energy from a cosmic womb derives as sensuous spiritual desire… as all the creation shall ends in a singular energy… his journey is to show how these parade of matters are marching towards a infinitely centered energy… in between this conflux … everything is luminous in varied colors and strange textures… as he applied on his objects and figures…
he followed the grandest tale of creation and how creation happens in a galactic measurement… origin of life and death comes to his painting within a very distinguished form and style… its almost like an alien species experiencing earthly spirit life… head full of long memory belongs to their former colorful dismal planet…
atavism and deja vu conformed together and exchanging a complex dialogue in his canvas.his language is extraordinarily polyphonic and intends to dig down to the bowl of his unconscious… and collective consciousness… his drawings … paintings …
all can be described simply in one sentence… freeing energy from the cage of the matter… reminds me the most famous song coat from Lalon… khachar vitor ochin pakhi… anonymous bird in a cage…